
Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
I tripped on my wings while chasing love down,
fell on my face breaking my crown
I didn’t expect it this time around
Did you?
Did you?
Slipped on my gown breaking my heart,
tore it apart
Been through this time and again
I will get up but I don’t know when
Do you?
Do you?



Once was here

Once was here
The eagle’s feather,
once was here, flying
on my dresser
in the mouth of the angel, open to the sky
an art piece, I bought, after
It reminds me of her,
every time I pass
She looked like this ~ this angel,
as she lie on her bed, my mother
when she died,
as she was taking her last breath
She is resting now ~ at last
I saw her today
through my bathroom window
as I was filling bottles with fragrant oils
scents, I use
when I heal wounds,
deep within those who don’t know peace
She stopped breathing
but I knew
like the eagle knows the cry,
the screeching of his mate
Alas, the feather and I
and the eagle,