
The Bomb

*note: this poem was created after a comment from a facebook friend (first two lines) on my profile picture . With the commenter's permission,
I went with it.  (I am a peace loving person...)

The Bomb

There is only one place I want to bomb
and that is the Pentagon
I know that this statement could get me in trouble,
but what have I got to lose?
I could dig my way out from under the rubble
I could surrender to the abuse,
I could build another structure
in the vein where the needle punctures
but I really see no use,
and dammit, I refuse!
we're all going down and spinning around
at this planet's critical juncture -
there are  holes in the ozone
we've poisoned the seas
we're sucking up gasses from man made machines
our eyes are all cloudy
our ears cannot hear
we're screaming together in our concert of fear
our backs are all breaking
our legs cannot move
we're hanging together, our necks in a noose
and who kicks the stool out from under our feet?
You know the answer, so I will repeat,
to the man in the seat
with his boot on the stool where our world sits upon,
"There is only one place I want to bomb,
and that is the Pentagon."

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